In the Forquisa Group, innovation is a key tool in the creation of different solutions that satisfy consumer expectations. The development in R+D+i is carried out in a systematic way by a highly qualified interdisciplinary technical team that leads this activity within the organization.
The Forquisa Group pays special care and attention to quality in the broadest sense: products, production processes and management. This dedication to offering the highest quality to the market is rewarded by its customers through their loyalty and trust.
The Forquisa Group considers respect for the environment as a permanent attitude, as an essential aspect in the development of its activities and as a strategic factor of competitiveness.
Las 3 Brujas
Meet the new website of The 3 Witches. Discover the magic hidden in each of our products from The 3 Witches, together we will make all homes conjure against dirt. The 3 Witches, Cleanliness that bewitches.
Esto sí que es magia
En la web de la campaña “Esto sí que es magia”, encontrarás los datos del estudio cualitativo a partir del cual nació el lema “Un hogar limpio es un hogar más feliz. Esto sí que es magia”.